Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Inspirational Jack

Believe it or not, I find daily inspiration from a dog. It's's 4 year old golden retriever named Jack.
Here are the following 2 biggest reasons why.
1: Jack is the most consistent and persistent living thing known to me on this earth. I know every time I walk in the door that I am loved by him. I'm his world, he is overjoyed to be with me, he does the best chewbacca impression ever cause he is so excited I'm home, and he won't stop until I give him some attention. So I scratch and pet him and he slaps me with his tongue. Its quite amazing, and my affection for him continues to grow.

Jack turns me back to God after a long day. Because of Jack, I'm reminded of the faithfulness of my God and the truth that He is in endless pursuit of my heart. He loves me with an endless love and I can come home to Him every day no matter what my mistakes and He runs to meet me with arms wide open to embrace me like no one ever could.

2: Jack is content. I am talking specifically about his food. Jason tell me that he has fed Jack the exact same food since he got him years ago.

Jack reminds me to be content with everything I have been given and to hold everything I own with a loose grip.

Jack Miller is a pretty big inspiration to me.

I'm in Memphis, Tennessee as I write this and I can't wait to get home tomorrow cause I know that as I walk up the steps to the door of my house I will be hearing him barking cause he knows I am home and I'll walk in and He will jump me.

Thanks for reminders Lord, thanks for putting things in my daily path that turn me back to You.
Just more proof of Your endless pursuit of my whole heart.

1 comment:

Ryan Ricketts said...

Totally agreed on all fronts. I love Jack so much that I took that picture in your post!