Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take A Breather

"Communion with God in the silence of the heart is a God-given capacity, like the rhododendron's capacity to flower, the fledgling's for flight, and the child's for self-forgetful abandon and joy. If the grace of God that suffuses and simplifies the vital generosity of our lives does not consummate this capacity while we live, then the very arms of God that embrace us as we enter the transforming mystery of death will surely do so. This self-giving God, the Being of our being, the Life of our life, has joined to Himself two givens of human life; we are built to commune with God and we will all meet death." - from the book "Into The Silent Land" by Martin Laird

So what's stopping you from taking a couple minutes every day and ceasing everything you're doing to be still and silent in this oh so noisy and fast paced world and just acknowledge that the God of the universe is closer than anything else and wants you more than anything else?

"Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind." -Ecclesiastes 4:6

"..In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.." - Isaiah 30:15

And let me encourage you, being quiet isn't as hard as it might seem.

"I look towards silence.
It is not, as I heard, a peak with natural footholds
and the crampons left by better climbers.


Contrary to what they say there is no map
(they may be speaking of another place)
there is only surrender..."

- "Inside Out" from Pauline Matarasso

Also, may we keep in mind, as Sue Monk Kidd says:
"Withdraw to be with God is only valid if it leads us to transform all the rest of life into a prayer"

Can we learn to invite Christ into more and more of every space and crevice of our lives?
For our wholeness sake, He wants us to.

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