Saturday, August 9, 2008


So I work at Starbucks, as probably anyone who reads this knows. I could tell lots of stories of my experiece thus far, good and bad, hilarious and sad, shocking and strange, but honestly, I have pretty much loved it all. Starbucks has been one of the only places that I have been away from for a week and when I got back, was really glad to be there. I just really like working there. I work with some of the coolest people. Some are really unique, some odd, entertaining, loving, really smart, seeking for truth, sweet, and just plain nice people.
I think Starbucks has been a place where I have grown even. My memory has grown. The fact that i can remember how to make every drink, or remember 3 drink orders no matter how long the modifiers are. Its really amazing to me actually. It was quite overwhelming at first, but i think I've got it down. I Also think It has been really helpful for me socially as well as I think i tend to be some what socially inept at times.Starbucks is a place where they really want you to be relational with your customers and build friendships and be that 3rd place as you've probably heard. Continuing on in that direction, the relational part of the job is where I shall now go.
I absolutely love the people I get to see every day. Sometimes it's the people that make or break the day. Sometimes people can be outright mean and blatantly rude. Often you get treated on a daily basis like a vending machine. They put the money in your hand (the slot) and you give them their coffee and they don't even look at you or acknowledge that you exist. Phones bother me, especially in the drive through, the ones that have bluetooth and it looks totally like they are talking to you and what they are saying makes absolutely no sense and so you try and respond somehow, and they say to their friend on the phone " give me a sec, the idiot at Starbucks thinks I'm talking to him." I remember one story I've told a few people when I was working the front register and some lady came up and ordered a bagel and a coffee and with all sincerity in my heart I said " So how are You doing today?" and she responds " I really have no desire to talk to you, just process my order." Often I have to remind myself that they are God's creation and maybe they are just having a bad day.
Other times people can just be just the nicest people and say something that helps get you through the next half hour on a bad day. Especially when those ones walk in the door, the ones who you have made relationships with. The ones who know what goin on with you and you know whats goin on with them.
So let me tell you about just a few people that I can think of right now.
There's John, who after a few times of him coming in and us having deeper conversations than just "hi how are you" we had started talkinga bout how he had got a new job and would be moving soon and so I offered to help him move. I remember that just blew him away, he asked me "you really wanna help me move?" and i said "yeah i do!" A few visits later I remember telling him about a week long tour a buddy and I were planning on doing and he offered us a meal and a room in his house for us to sleep if needed. WOW it was pretty cool.
There's Steve who is in every single day who gets a grande toffee nut coffee who is just the nicest guy who I had told about the show I am gonna be playing next Friday and how he said he would for sure be coming he said this on night, and i remember i saw him about to walk out of the store and he turned around and came back and told me he was sorry because he forgot that he was going to be in Las Vegas that weekend so he couldn't make it. The fact that he even did that amazed me, honestly. He couldnt have just not shown up and not said anything. But he is just a guy with a heart who wants to be honest and real and take the time to talk to me.
another lady Pam, who comes every day through the drive through who has kids in the back one day came through and told me that I was one of 3 guys on her 1st grade daughters "boyfriend" list. I was right up there with one of her friends and David Archuleta, but was behind him because I didn't sing. So when I told her that I do sing she got real shy. It was quite funny.
Even just another lady, who's name I don't know, who I've never seen smile or really even talk, who comes through the drive through all the time, the other day came through and she had done something different with her hair and so I asked her if she colored her hair she said yes and I told her I liked it and she just got the biggest smile on her face. Man that stuff excites me. I love to see people smile, I love joy.

All this to say, I know that I'll look back 5 years from now and be glad I worked at Starbucks. What a wonderful time I've had so far. God called me to Indiana almost a year ago now and I can say with confidence that Starbucks was His idea, not mine.

1 comment:

Brian Gloor said...

That is awesome man. I am so glad to have gotten to see you grow from your time here in Indiana... You ROCK!!!!!!!