Thursday, November 26, 2009

Afternoon Inspiration

From the book "The God Who Smokes" by Timothy Stoner

"The question, on the surface, was quite practical: How can I help give my sons a sense of perspective about their hunger (to be professional musicians) if they were not part of the 1 percent that is signed by a label?
As I began digging around inside, I had to ask, Why have these maddening impulses been inflicted if you are deprived of a platform for communicating the vision that has been offered? If the driving force behind art is not self-expression but communication, what's the point of yearning to create and being utterly unable to get any kind of an audience for the creative offspring?

Must artists view themselves as failures if they are not published, marketed, televised, signed, or booked? Can you only lay claim to the identity if you make money at it? If you just do your art in the studio, or den, or bedroom, have you flunked your AEEs (Artist Entrance Exams)? Success (some measure of fame and financial reward) thus becomes the hallmark of artistic authenticity.

When I finally allowed myself to think honestly about it, I have to admit, I believed I had pretty much failed at being who I truly was meant to be.
I had washed out at fulfilling my calling (as an author) and had to settle for being a fraud, living behind a stifling facade the remainder of my life.

I decided to stop fencing and parrying away these questions and allowed myself to look them straight in the eye without flinching. It did not take too long. What came was a picture: a little shepherd boy alone on a hill. He is the baby of the family and gets no respect from his seven older brothers, who secretly despise him. This youngsters name was David, and he was an artist before he was anything else. He wrote poetry and sang songs by himself on the Bethlehem hills long before he was lauded as Israel's poet laureate and premier warrior king.

In the still of the night, with no one applauding or fawning or flattering, he pours out his heart. He plays on his lyre and sings to the skies until his voice breaks or gives out. He then lays down his wooden instrument and lifts his arms above his head as he stands to his feet.
And he begins to dance in the dark And there is this wild, happy, crazy gleam in his eye as he looks up at the whirling stars.

If you read his life story carefully, you will be struck by something unusual.
He seems to be singularly unimpressed with himself or his status.
He strips off his royal robes and dances ecstatically in full view of all the populace. He is so shameless he embarrasses his blueblood wife with her highly cultivated sense of propriety.
Michal despises him in her heart (2 Samuel 6:16). She mocks him for being a crass, uncouth rustic, a "buffoon" (6:20). David will not be deterred. He does not allow her to shame him. He responds that he will keep dancing before Yahweh and will demean himself even further. "You thought that was bad? Check this out!"

Later, we read that he is absolutely staggered by the enormity of the promises God is making to him and his bloodline. He does not feel the slightest bit deserving. He even refers to himself as God's own little "dog" (7:21).

Toward the end of his reign, as he is fleeing for his life, he is cursed and assaulted with stones by an enraged Shimei, a descendant of the former king Saul. David does not retaliate. He does not automatically conclude that he is blameless. He seems to assume the opposite. Maybe Shimei is an instrument of God's discipline, he muses. And even if Shimei is acting on his own, God can set the record straight (2 Samuel 16:5-12).

What is the reason for the meekness?
David knows who he really is.
He has no grand illusions about himself. When the robes are removed and the pomp and circumstance quieted, when the royal veneer and the position and titles are taken away, he knows that at heart he is just a humble singer. He's a simple, abandoned worshipper who delights in God's presence more than anything in the whole wide world.

If you've lived deeply and truly alone in God's presence and grown still and safe there, doing your best work for Him first, it doesn't make a whole lot of difference anymore if you happen to find yourself seated on a throne, a crown resting on your head, with servants at your beck and call, or signing your name to a million-dollar advance.
They may call you king and flock to your concerts, but you know you are just a shepherd writing lyrics and singing till your heart breaks.

Your secret identity remains intact: You are a worshipper."

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I just finished this new song...
And right as I finished the last line of it I got the chills.

This song is my way own personal way of surrendering what I don't know to God. It's my way of giving up what frustrates me in not knowing specifics on how things are going to play out. And it's me trusting He is bigger than it all and really has my back in every single moment.
It's me embracing His love for me...

I pray it's encouraging to You as well...

And I hope to have at least a rough recording of it up somewhere soon.

Grace & Peace...

"When You Say"

I know You are with me

But I cannot see the way

In which this makes any common sense

Direction, this is what Is need

Perception, for my heart I plead

But I know even if nothing comes

I am Yours and You are mine

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made, the way seen

I found all I need

I'm finding how to be content

Even though not every need is met

For I know You have rescued me

And I am Yours and You are mine

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made the way seen

I found all I need

You are all my hope

You are all my strength

You are all my peace

You are all my love

You are all my life

And I'm giving it up

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made the way seen

I found all I need

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today's Prayer

Lord, use me to help people see the life of wholeness they are called to, the life of contentment that they can have... the life of purpose and meaning and fulfillment that is theirs when they fully surrender and become whole heartedly devoted in every single way... showing who You are as Love in your endless, relentless pursuit of every single part of our hearts.

Use me, Your servant, to help produce desperate, deeply longing people who want to experience You, for You are perfect and You are whole, and You are steadfast, and when we experience You, we can't remain the same, we just can't.

All I am is for Your kingdoms cause.

Take all of me.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Revolutionaries Found In Surrender

In the past few years since moving to Indiana I have found that with the promise given in Jeremiah 29:13, "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart" that God is often found not before, but after the jump on the other side of the cliff.

Personally, this was specifically witnessed for me when I felt the pulling from God away from Ohio a little over 2 years ago. I really wanted to honor Him with where I went and so I prayed and prayed for guidance and direction on where I was supposed to go, but I never actually heard from God a specific place of where He would call me to. At first it was pretty frustrating, but then I remember hearing Him say "Seth I trust you." I was taken a back to say the least... "God, You trust... me...?". It was amazing to learn this. To hear that the Creator of the universe trusts me... Oh my word I was speechless, and then a verse came into my head. "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4
To me this meant that as I seek Him with everything I've got, His promise is to make me more like Him, and so as I delight myself in Him with my honest relentless pursuit of His heart, I can then trust that my desires have actually become His desires because He has made me more like Himself. And so really, He is trusting Himself in me.

For Christians, seeking is trusting in someOne you believe is greater than yourself; it's resting in His unchanging grace, it's believing He loves us perfectly and wants us to be whole. This is why we are called as Christians to live more than just a life of good morals. As Christians, we are called to live lives that look very different from the world's. We are called to live lives of holiness.
If we call ourselves Christians then we must look the One Christianity was made up after.
1st John 2:5-6 says "But if anyone obeys His word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did."

And so we should stand out in some way. We should live with purpose because we know the One who knows what the purpose of our existence is. We should live with power and joy, making choices that have long lasting meaning and impact because we have been emptied of our selfishness and have chosen to continually for the rest of our days be wholly surrendered to the Creator of the universe who knows exactly what human life is for because He created it!

"The pathway is not just a series of teachings, or even following an exemplary life; it is surrendering to a Person." - Timothy J. Stoner

Check out what Brennan Manning says in his book "The Furious Longing of God":

"Paul wrote in Philippians, "He emptied Himself." He cried from His heart, nails in His hands, and poured out His blood that we might believe His love for us. Significantly, Jesus chose the giving tree, His cross, as the demonstrative sign of His absolutely furious love for men and women. In the words of one early church father: "the mightiest act of love ever to arise from a human soul."
How is it then that we've come to imagine that Christianity consists of primarily in what we do for God? How has this come to be the good news of Jesus? Is the kingdom that He proclaimed to be nothing more than a community of men and women who go to church on Sunday, take an annual spiritual retreat, read their Bibles every now and then, vigorously appose abortion, don't watch x-rated movies, never use vulgar language, smile a lot, hold doors open for people, root for the favorite team, and get along with everybody?
Is that why Jesus went through the bleak and bloody horror of Calvary? Is that why He emerged in shattering glory from the tomb? Is that why He poured out His Holy Spirit on the church? To make nicer men and women with better morals?
The gospel is absurd and the life of Jesus is meaningless unless we believe that He lived, died, and rose again with but one purpose in mind: to make brand new creations. Not to make people with better morals, but to create a community of prophets and professional lovers, men and women who would surrender to the mystery of the fire of the Spirit that burns within, who would live in eve greater fidelity to the omnipresent Word of God, who would enter into the center of it all, the very heart and mystery of Christ, into the center of the flame that consumes, purifies, and sets everything aglow with peace, joy, boldness, and extravagant, furious love.This, my friends, is what it really means to be a Christian.

I believe a large part of the "seeking" is the praying, reading our Bibles, and in whatever other way in worshipping with the specific needed spiritual disciplines; the other half is the jump.
Our jump proves our trust, and it's within our jump that He meets us with His strength to get us across the rest of the way.

The revolutionary life that Jesus calls us to is one of ever continual surrender to Him and His will. It's all about trusting.
I know trust can be a hard thing to practice, but trust is endlessly looking for lives to revolutionize. Will you answer it's call?

Revolutionaries live lives of surrender to and dependence on something bigger than themselves, for they know that true life is found in losing it.
Revolutionary lives are found in trust.
And what is this trust? It's believing that our backs are fully covered at all times, in every moment by the Creator of the universe who loves us perfectly.
Revolutionary lives are found in His revolutionary love.

Knowing this is how we give up, give in, and surrender to the purpose of His kingdom.
Knowing this is how we live the "abundant life" Jesus promises us in John 10:10 when He said "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
Knowing this is why we would and could even want to live for something more than ourselves.

I truly believe that there is a longing deep inside us that is looking for something to make us whole, and the truth is that it only can happen when we fully give up and give in to what we were created to be; loved and led by God.
This is what Jesus meant in Matthew 16:25 when He said "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it."

I'm choosing to give up. I'm choosing to lose my life so that I can find it in something greater than myself. And my choice is Jesus Christ, the One who actually created my desires to be fulfilled within Himself.

Life doesn't get any better than this, seriously...
Won't you join me?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Listen to the new John Mayer album that comes out on the 17th right now here:

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Afternoon Inspiration

From the book " The God Who Smokes" by Timothy Stoner -

May you find your life in losing it.
May you live your life by dying, daily.
May you give it all and keep nothing for yourself.
May your treasure chest be filled to overflowing
with the priceless crowns of sacrificial devotion.
May you give yourself away
in a joyful and risky abandon.
May you follow the Lamb,
even if He takes you up a hill and onto a brutal cross.
Especially if He takes you there.
May you turn your back on safety and comfort and
predictable and soft
and pour yourself out like a drink offering of love
on the least of these, on the most of these,
for the death and the life of these.
May you spend what you cannot keep
to gain what you can never lose.
May you awake to live His dream,
not yours or your country's, nor your family's.
And may you rejoice to hear the applause,
to which is a weight of eternal glory
to heavy to bear.

Monday, November 9, 2009


"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children." - Ephesians 5:1

Often children model their parents, they copy them, they want to be like them when they grow up. And why do they? I think it's because whether they know it or not, they are loved and cared for by their parents, within whom they have security.

And so similarly, we can be imitators of God when we recognize we are His children, loved by Him.

Let me explain further...

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear..." - 1 John 4:18

I think we are all searching for something to love us whether we realize it or not.

I believe this because I also believe that we were created for the Father, to be in union with Him, and to be known by Him. We were created to be loved by God, and know it. We were made to embrace His love and live in His love and to give it as well.

And there is nothing like the love of Christ, because unlike everyone else's, His is perfect.

The difference between His love and what the world offers is that unlike the world's, His doesn't run out. And it's because of this reason that His love can satisfy us.

It just makes sense to me that I can't be satisfied in anything else like I can in Christ because He is the only One who doesn't run out.

True satisfaction can only be found from something that's endless, something perfectly constant. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8

Jesus is the only one.

Everything else will change, fall away, diminish, run out and die.

So to continue then:

I think when we really understand and embrace perfect love, we won't remain the same, we can't remain the same... Proof of perfect love understood and embraced is that it brings about the response of wanting, longing, desiring to be like our Father, to imitate Him.

And so the more we recognize, embrace, and seek to grow in the understanding of His love the more it will satisfy us, keeping us from seeking empty love within the world.

"Turn my eyes from worthless things, and give me life through Your word." - Psalm 119:37

And so we become better imitators of God the more we understand how loved by Him we are.

So the next question then is:
How do we grow in the understanding of the depths of God's love for us?

I can think of at least 2 ways:
I think it's found simply within our honest seeking of Him, our worshipping Him.
But an even more specific way, I think to grow in the knowledge of His love for us means we must grow in the understanding of our humanness.
When we see how sinful we truly are we then see how much we need Him and how much He has done for us. I believe that our understanding of the depths of His love is directly related to our understanding of who He is and what He's done for us despite our sin.

We are called to be imitations of God and so we must grow in gratitude of what He's done.
David was known as the man after God's own heart.
Check out David's words in Psalm 77 as despite his great distress and troubles he recalls the faithfulness and many deeds of the Lord.
I think David lived a life of gratitude and I think it was because he knew he was loved.

Lord, take us deeper in the understanding of Your love for us so that we can continue to become more like You and bring You glory like we were created to do. Overwhelm us, captivate us, open our eyes, open our hearts and minds, we want more of You.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm Tired

A little while back, I had found myself in a place of exhaustion...

A lot of the times tiredness can come from excessive amounts of non-stop work. Spiritually, we can become weak from lack of stopping to re-group and resourcing ourselves in the Life Giver.

Obviously, not getting enough rest can lead to feeling tired spiritually, physically, emotionally and in whatever other way you can think of. We weren't made to never stop. God created the sabbath for a reason. This I'm sure you know.

But I've learned that not always when we feel tired is it because we've been doing something wrong, or even because we've missed our devotional filling up time with God.

You and I as Christians will always be learning dependency. We will always be figuring out how to continue to rest in God and rely on Him and let Him be strong in our weakness.

So I've come to understand that I think that I will probably always come to moments in life where I become very tired, and not always just because I've been working non-stop without breaks, but because I believe that there are moments in life that I can't learn a certain type of dependency without first being weak.

It can be so easy to become apathetic and get caught up in doing life the same exact way you always have over and over without thinking about growing. It's just easier to live in comfort, to live on our own strength. This way we don't have to trust something we can't see. We don't have to have much faith. But the thing is is that we can't learn things in comfort, on our own strength that we can learn in weakness. There is a purpose for weakness. There is for sure a dependency, a reliance that we just can't learn outside of human weakness.

"...For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed we felt that we had received the sentence of death. But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead." - 2 Corinthians 1:8-9

I think that if our hearts desire is to please God and become more like Him then He will challenge us with everything that we put above Him.

I think we often put comfort above Him.

Comfort in created things can obscure the One. And so for our benefit I think God can sometimes take comfort away to help us see up close and personal our hearts truest need.


I don't think that life is quite right if we don't admit that we were created to live off of a strength that's not our own.

Knowing this gives me perspective.

I believe that the truest part of me is that I'm loved by Jesus Christ through and through and so I know more than anything that my God has got my back and that He wants to use anything and everything to continue me on forward down the path toward wholeness. It may not look rational, or normal to me, but His ways really are higher than mine and He knows where I'm at and what I need and what He is doing way way better than I do...

Lately I feel as though I've been learning to trust Him more in the moments of my weakness where it feels like I've got nothing left to give and I'm about to fall over... but then at the perfect time, He meets me and together we pull off way more than I could ever have if I was in perfect shape on my own. It's quite beautiful really. "...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness..." - 2 Corinthians 12:9

Not always in the middle of the hardship can we see the hand that is holding us, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Remembering that the hand is there at all times is how we keep perspective in the bleak and unsure moments. Remembering that the hand is there is how we grow in trust, how we can fall into His arms even when we can't feel Him there with us.

"Never doubt in the darkness what God has shown you in the light" - David Winter

We gain in trust when we remember what He's already done.

Father, You are my hope, my peace, my strong foundation, the reason I live. I want nothing as much as I want You. To know You more is my purpose, to do Your will is what drives me, and to make You known is my life. Take all of me, every single part. Get my attention any way possible, I surrender again all that I am for Your kingdoms cause. Make me more like You in any way You please. I just want You. I want You more than anything else. Use Your servant for Your glory. Have Your way in me. I am desperate for You. Consume me, immerse me, shake me, shape me, move me, take a hold of me like never before. I am all Yours.

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with Himself depends on faith. I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead. I want to suffer with Him, sharing in His death,so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!" - Philippians 3:8-11