Monday, November 16, 2009


So I just finished this new song...
And right as I finished the last line of it I got the chills.

This song is my way own personal way of surrendering what I don't know to God. It's my way of giving up what frustrates me in not knowing specifics on how things are going to play out. And it's me trusting He is bigger than it all and really has my back in every single moment.
It's me embracing His love for me...

I pray it's encouraging to You as well...

And I hope to have at least a rough recording of it up somewhere soon.

Grace & Peace...

"When You Say"

I know You are with me

But I cannot see the way

In which this makes any common sense

Direction, this is what Is need

Perception, for my heart I plead

But I know even if nothing comes

I am Yours and You are mine

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made, the way seen

I found all I need

I'm finding how to be content

Even though not every need is met

For I know You have rescued me

And I am Yours and You are mine

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made the way seen

I found all I need

You are all my hope

You are all my strength

You are all my peace

You are all my love

You are all my life

And I'm giving it up

When You say, You love me

I am set free

When You made the way seen

I found all I need


DC Curry said...

You know i love it!!!

Pam said...

Is there a way to hear your songs on the web? One of our youth heard you lead worship at church camp and you guys sang "I Just Want You". We want to teach it to the rest of the youth group.

Keep up the awesome ministry, in Christ!